It doesn’t matter of you are male or female, young or not, your health and fitness should come first at the top of your priority list.
I know we all have chores to do, jobs to attend, not to mention social pressures, but if you really think about it, you wouldn’t be able to do any of those if your health is compromised.
And that’s when fitness and diet come first above anything.
You would be surprised to know that most cancers and diseases are preventable with a good diet and fitness routine.
So I invite you right now to check your priority list.
Is fitness coming first?
If not, change it right now.
You will thank me one day.
You don’t need to become an athlete but the act of putting fitness first is you taking responsibility.
Most people don’t realise but when you are sick and not eating well you are consuming and investing in the wrong products and that has huge consequences not only for you but for the whole planet.
As you can see we are not disconnected.
When you eat unprocessed food you create life!
I want to see you at the top .
Your fitness comes first.
Your health and fitness should come first.