How to train in winter ?


In winter, the number one difference is that we get a bit lazy, we all want to stay in bed and do nothing.

So when exercising, especially outdoors, it is important to increase the volume of stretches and warm up exercises, not only to prevent injuries but to warm up the body and make the whole experience more pleasant, unless you are a big fan of ice baths.

Hydration is another great point during winter; most people drink less water on colder days.

The solution is to buy a water bottle that can handle hot drinks and drink warm water or hot teas.

The exercise sessions should follow what we call periodisation, having peaks of hard exercises combined with more gentle exercises, and in winter the volume of harder exercises is higher to maintain the body warmer.

It is very important to avoid artificial heaters since they dehydrate the body and can cause lethargy.

Try to always keep windows open during a training session and if possible train outside.

Training outside will also help your body to get a dose of vitamin D that is vital for immunity and other bodily functions, preventing anxiety and depression.

The diet in winter must contain vegetable soups since they can concentrate a huge number of nutrients together.

Vitamin C should be a constant part of any good nutrition protocol.

So winter can be cozy but don’t get lazy !

Winter and summer ! Opposite seasons and very different training approaches.
