So let's talk about a few tips:
Before entering the aeroplane tips:
-Organise meals to take inside the aeroplane and a big empty water bottle that you can refill once inside the craft;
-Apply lots of body and face oil to avoid dehydration.
During the trip tips:
-Drink at least 3 litres of water;
-Walk inside the craft every hour;
-Do squats and push-ups if you can move the body;
-Avoid aeroplane food because it is high and salt and it creates fluid retention;
Tips for after the rip:
-Drink at least another two litres of water;
-Have a cold shower;
-Try only to eat if you are hungry;
-Go for a gentle walk outdoors.
For more tips, read my books available on this website.
That aeroplane trip can create a lot of damage.