Aerobics, cardio, it has so many names.
A lot of people like to divide things like:
“Today is my cardio day”.
“Today is my weights day”.
In reality, any form of exercise if done at certain intensity is cardio.
I think the words cardio and carbs are used in the wrong way.
So let’s explore more the concepts of cardio and weight loss.
Straight to the point: the best thing for weight loss is diet, followed by exercise.
Exercise has a lot of properties but it can’t be used as the only tool in weight loss.
That old saying:
“I can eat whatever I want because tomorrow I will burn it at the gym”.
That statement is wrong. The body is not that simple.
For weight loss, a professional will create a diet plan for you and add exercise on top of it.
Exercise will detox your body, help your nervous system, help to nurture every cell of you body but, you need to add the right building blocks to it otherwise it won’t work.
This is not a simple issue and requires the help of qualified professionals like master trainers and personal trainers also trained in nutrition.
In reality, any form of exercise if done at certain intensity is cardio.