In my opinion and experience, healthy people plan.
So here are my top tips to prepare your food for the week:
- Do it on the weekend, especially in the morning so that you won't be stopped or bothered;
- Purchase all of the ingredients in bulk. It is cheaper and more accessible;
- Have enough empty food containers for all meals;
- Create sauces with the most significant amount of vegetables to increase the nutritional content of your food;
- Use the most significant amount of spices you can to increase flavour and antioxidant content;
- Create a good ratio of protein and vegetables in all dishes;
- Always have a very thick soup as part of your preparations because they can turn into sauces;
- Add some form of nut butter to your dishes to increase mineral content;
- Add seaweed to your food. It is full of minerals and vitamins.
For more tips, download my books or exercise videos available on this website.
Food preparation is critical for the success of your health journey.