Is that correct to have the urge and need to have that?
Sometimes I am required to do tasks where I have a deadline to deliver a certain body shape. It is a hard job that requires a lot of hard work.
Think about sculpting, that is like my job and sometimes that requires multiple sessions, training for hours and hours.
Most people have no idea how many hours of hard work are behind a supermodel body or actor.
As one of my clients says: ”it is a full-time job to look good”.
Yes it is. To be healthy you must be alert, say a lot of NOs and above all have a strong boundary around what is allowed and what is not allowed.
Yes myself, the trainer will be in your head from waking up to bedtime. That’s how we create results and health.
Most people want to be healthier but take no action, they do the whatever approach, and the result of whatever is whatever.
The result for someone that works hard 24/7 is perfection and that’s my domain.
We live in a world where everyone wants everything at any time.