Can exercise make you look old?


I always say that even water in the wrong quantity can become your worse enemy.

So what is the limit of exercise in terms of being good or bad?

Everyone is different; we are talking about genetic factors, diet, environment and stress levels. When you mix all those factors, you have your wellbeing.

Imagine that you always wake up tired.

I would say that one of those factors is putting you down.

When some people say, I am tired I need to push myself and go for a run.

That's when things start to go pear shape.

The right exercise on that day would be a calming, focusing session to balance the body.

One of the functions of exercise is to balance the body and mind.

When one pushes the limits too much, stress levels go to the roof, and that's when the aging process goes wild!




Less of the mentality that the more is better and more of the self-reflection of :

"How am I feeling today?"

Go inside!

Even a great thing like exercise can make you look old.
